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5 Ways to Stay Productive

5 Ways to Stay Productive

Hi Everyone! Welcome back, and thanks for visiting POISED. Today is all about productivity! I am someone who needs structure in my life to be productive. I can easily stay in my pajamas for days, watch Netflix, and be perfectly content. Trust me, there have been some days during self-quarantine where I have done precisely that. 

During this time of isolation, I have challenged myself to be more intentional in my actions. This is probably the only time where we have no excuse to achieve our goals or tackle tasks we've been putting on the back burner. I'm excited to see what people produce during this time and how they will transform themselves by taking the time to redevelop and reevaluate their relationship with themselves and with God. 

Here are five ways to be productive while working from home, self-quarantine, and social-distancing. 

Set Goals 

I think setting goals is the most essential step towards being intentional and productive. Goal-setting forces you to identify what is important and develop a plan to achieve each goal. If you have a goal, I suggest breaking it into smaller components. 

For example, one of my goals during self-quarantine is to be more active. To achieve this goal, I place my workout clothes in the bathroom to serve as a visual reminder to exercise for the day. I also challenged myself to workout at least three days a week. Separating my fitness routine into smaller, manageable, and realistic tasks has helped me achieve the bigger goal of staying active and healthy

Make a Schedule 

When you create a schedule, it is helpful to block out time for each task you need to complete. I schedule every hour of the day to ensure I'm taking advantage of my time. Trust me, every day does not always go according to plan. Emergencies happen, and there are days where I just don't feel like doing anything. Mental health days are good! You can't be your best if you're not feeling your best. 

Set Deadlines 

Setting internal deadlines is super helpful with being intentional and productive. A goal without a plan is just a wish. Set deadlines that are realistic and manageable. 

Avoid Distractions 

I easily get distracted by my phone and social media, and it wastes so much time. I know we like to think we can do it all. We believe we can browse Instagram, watch a Netflix show, AND finish the work assignment that is due tomorrow. Nope! Remove the distractions. Set time in your schedule for personal time, whether it's a 30-minute break to watch a Netflix show or respond to an email. That way, you're achieving your goals and giving yourself a mental break. It's a win-win situation and guaranteed to boost your productivity.  


Identify what goal will have the most significant impact or value and tackle the task that will help you reach those long-term goals first. It's easier to complete simple tasks first. There are days where I write down easy tasks on my to-do list just to cross it off to make it seem like I was productive LOL. This is why intentionality is so important. We shouldn't do things to stay "busy" or to cross off our to-do list but should set goals that will have a lasting impact. By beginning with the more challenging tasks with the most significant impact will give you more success in the long-run. 

I really enjoyed writing this blog post. It is a reminder of how I can stay productive and intentional during a time where I can get very comfortable and unproductive.

I hope you found this post helpful. Remember, you don't have to do something every day, but when you decide to make a change or be useful, I hope these tips are helpful. 

Thanks for stopping by, and let me know how you stay productive in the comments. 


Disclaimer: Some of these links are affiliated links, which means I may receive a small payment if you buy some of the items. However, all of my opinions are my own and I would not link or recommend items I do not love, tried on, or would wear myself.

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