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The Importance of Self-Advocacy

The Importance of Self-Advocacy

Hi Everyone!  Thanks for stopping by my blog.  I cannot believe I have been with Reed Smith for over a year.  A year ago, I was so excited and eager to begin my professional journey as a junior litigation associate for a Big Law Firm.  Check out my blog post to read about my story and journey to Big Law here.

Here I am, one year later, learning, growing, and making a name for myself within the firm.  In one year, I have worked on high profile cases, served as the Washington, DC office Diversity & Inclusion Associate liaison, and established a tribe of attorneys who support and encourage one another to be excellent.  I cannot wait to see what the next year brings.  Out of all of these amazing things, the most important lesson I have learned is the importance of self-advocacy.

Corporate law is about the survival of the fittest.  Nothing is handed to you.  Entering Big Law, I thought opportunities would become available if I produced great work.  WRONG!  If you want great opportunities, you have to ask for them.  Advocating for myself felt awkward and uncomfortable at first.  I did not want my colleagues to perceive me as "whiny," "ungrateful," or "insatiable."  It was not until I realized I wanted to learn more about a particular area of law that I built up the courage to ask for the opportunity.  I had to pump myself up to write the email and have the conversation asking for what I want.  I am so thankful that I took that leap of faith.  It has connected me with people I might have never encountered if I did not take a chance and advocate for myself.  I am learning more about an area of law I thoroughly enjoy and may want to pursue long-term (who knows what plans God has in store for me).

The point is, opportunities are not going to fall in your lap.  You can be the smartest person in the room and a great person to work with, but until you stand up for yourself and fight for the type of life you want, you will never receive the opportunities you rightfully deserve.  I encourage anyone reading this blog post to speak up for yourself.  You are your biggest advocate.  Speak boldly and confidently about what you want.  The worst they can say is no, and remember, "If God is for you, then who can be against you?" (Romans 8:31).  I am grateful to have learned this lesson early in my career.  No more being timid about my destiny.  Here's to self-advocacy and creating the life we all rightfully deserve!

Do you advocate for yourself?  How does it feel?  Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.



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